Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

National Initiatives

ANR and other national projects

ANR program Bimod

This ANR program, coordinated by V. Volpert (Lyon), involves 3 partners: CNRS (Institut Camille Jordan) in Lyon (V. Volpert), University Bordeaux II (P. Magal) and Inria (Bang project-team and DISCO team, Saclay IdF). It associates PDE models, both spatial and physiologically structured, with individual-based models in hybrid models to represent cancer growth (leukaemia and colorectal cancer) and therapy. It has been granted for 4 years, beginning in December 2010.

ANR Sine2Arti

Participation in the ANR project Sine2Arti. The project considers tissue homeostasis and cell reprogramming. The project is coordinated by Gregory Batt (coordinator, Contraintes research team, Inria), PIs are Oded Maler (Univ. of Grenoble) and Dirk Drasdo, an external collaborator is Ron Weiss (MIT)

GDR DarEvCan

The GDR DarEvCan, for Darwinian Evolution and Cancer, is a interdisciplinary consortium which associates 10 teams in France around the theme of evolution and cancer, in particular evolution of cancer cell populations towards drug resistance [18] . It has held its first national meeting in December 2011 in Paris, another one in April 2012 in Montpellier, and has organised an international conference in Roscoff in November 2013 http://www.cnrs.fr/insb/cjm/archives/2013/Hochberg_e.html , to which J. Clairambault presented an invited talk on behalf of the Bang team. The Bang team takes an active part in its development, which relies mainly on applying methods from evolutionary theory to cancer biology [22] (http:///www.darevcan.univ-montp2.fr/ ).

PEPS PTI `Ondes de concentration en bactéries'

People of the BANG team are involved in this project funded by the CNRS. This is a collaboration with biophysicists of the Institut Curie dedicated to the description of the collective motion of bacteria by chemotaxis.

PEPS PTI `Neuro-Info' (Jonathan Touboul)

Jonathan Touboul obtained a support of the CNRS for a collaboration with Princeton University on the information in biological systems, including neuronal networks and quorum sensing.

PEPS PTI `NeuroGauge' (Jonathan Touboul and Alberto Romagnoni)

Alberto Romagnoni (Postdoc in the Mathematical Neuroscience Team) and Jonathan Touboul obtained a support from the CNRS program PEPS PTI in order to use tools from the non-abelian gauge theory for the modeling of the visual cortex. This is a collaboration with theoretical physicists from U. Autonoma of Madrid (Carlos Pena).

ITMO-Cancer grant PhysCancer

Participation in the ITMO-Cancer (Aviesan) project Physics of Cancer. The project studies the impact of a constraining extracellular material on the growth and division of cells and cellular aggregates. The project is coordinated by Pierre Nassoy (Institut Curie), collaborators are Dirk Drasdo and Christophe Lamaze (INSERM).


Participation in the project INVADE (INSERM). The project studies invasion patterns of breast cancer cells. The project is coordinated by Emmanuel Barillot (Inst. Curie), collaborators include Dirk Drasdo and other groups from Institut Curie.